
Google Maps details upcoming navigation turns in refreshed UI [APK Download]

isual update, there's also a functional improvement: you can now tap to see upcoming steps and turns in your drive.
Instead of the edge-to-edge green banner on top that shows the next step, there's now a darker green floating rectangle with rounded corners. The font is also changed, though I'm not a huge fan. It's still way too big and looks a little cramped in some instances, but maybe that's better for readability when driving.
Left: Old UI. Right: New UI.
Tapping the green banner didn't do anything before, but now it expands to show one or two upcoming turns or steps. There's also a more user-friendly "Show routes" button. It's a duplicate of the button you find in the bottom white bar while navigating, but the labeling helps in knowing what it does.
Left: New UI expanded. Right: Showing all routes.
To get this new interface, you need to be running version 10.22.1 of Maps, which is available on the Play Store as well as APK Mirror.
  • Thanks: 
  • Michael Zhonga, 
  • Nick Cipriani

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9/8/19 12:36 PM

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